Monday, June 16, 2008

on eating

since forever, i've been a die-hard foodie - i loved food, i loved trying new restaurants, and of course moving to New York gave me plenty of places to try.

Now, I've been eating healthy and at home for the past 3 weeks - and am currently on a 'detox 7-day cabbage soup diet plan'...

food is no fun anymore - my passion (and my once quite-savvy palate) is obliterated by the taste of bland cabbage soup, kale+parsley smoothies, and carrot sticks.

i try not to think about food at all, just eat as if it were a motion unworthy of taking the time to notice (like breathing or blinking)

i wonder what will happen post-diet...will i regain my palate and excitement for different flavor combinations? long as i don't regain the pounds i lost, I'll be happy.

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