Wednesday, November 5, 2008

open wide

Sitting on the reclining cold seat, with only a thin sheet of paper-like material between my nether regions and the cold clamy leather, I quietly waited for her to come in and my examination to begin.  I imagined the hackneyed sexual history questions, followed by the raised eyebrows and intrigued looks. I winced at the idea of the duck lipped cold metal spreading me wide and leaving me bare for gloved hands to reach in and explore, as if i were a cave instead of a woman with a pitifully low threshold for pain.  I winced and yelped as she poked and prodded and at one point she sighed with irritation and said, "is this seriously hurting THAT much?!" As she leaned back in between my legs and poked a little too hard for my body's taste, my knee inadvertently jerked and hit her smack in the face.  She screamed in pain and surprise and I couldn't help but smirk and think, 'Did it seriously hurt THAT much?'

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