I want love. A real love. A love like lovers dream of in the night sky looking at the moon. A love, a lover’s loving longing love. I have longed! I am longing. I am longing for my love love love. The one I’ll walk with, swoon for, eat with, laugh with – the one I’ll fight with and love through it all. I’m looking for a love. A love love love love – unconditional, ever-sweet, amorously affectionate lovely luscious love. Love.
Patience they tell me. They say it in my dreams – in my thoughts. My ever beating passionate emotional heart screams with angst, wants for passion, wants for love and happiness and the bursting feeling of joy that comes only through that perfect match with a perfect for you mate. Patience. Patience. Patience. It is so hard – so hard to be patient for so long. So hard to almost get your wish, but then for it to disappear – to disappear so quickly and so completely that you sometimes wonder, “was it all just a dream?”